​Using existing ePROM.
Start at 2,000 euro + 0.5 to 2 euro per respondent.
Depends − for instance on whether it is intended for commercial or academic use, or on the size of the study.
​Using existing ePROM.
Start at 2,000 euro + 0.5 to 2 euro per respondent.
Depends − for instance on whether it is intended for commercial or academic use, or on the size of the study.
​Using existing ePROM.
Start at 2,000 euro + 0.5 to 2 euro per respondent.
Depends − for instance on whether it is intended for commercial or academic use, or on the size of the study.
Fixed cost per month
20 euro.
Fixed cost per month
20 euro.
Run your own study with one of our ePROMs
Smart preference-based, patient-centered measurement with the HealthSnApp​ tool.
€ 1,950
€ 19,950

​​Plus 0.5/2 euro per respondent
Plus 19 euro per team account, per month
You create the content of your own (e)PROM
Determine content (health items) for your own (e)PROMs by patients using our unique HealthFan tool.
€ 4,950
€ 9,950
​​Plus 9 euro per team account, per month
Together we create your (e)PROM
Development content new (disease-specific) ePROM.
With our full support.
€ 49,000 - € 149,000
Discount on our pricing is optional for researchers/end-users in developing countries.
Other researchers/end-users may also ask for discount if they have good arguments.