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​Using existing ePROM.
Start at 2,000 euro + 0.5 to 2 euro per respondent.
Depends − for instance on whether it is intended for commercial or academic use, or on the size of the study.
​Using existing ePROM.
Start at 2,000 euro + 0.5 to 2 euro per respondent.
Depends − for instance on whether it is intended for commercial or academic use, or on the size of the study.
​Using existing ePROM.
Start at 2,000 euro + 0.5 to 2 euro per respondent.
Depends − for instance on whether it is intended for commercial or academic use, or on the size of the study.
Fixed cost per month
20 euro.
Fixed cost per month
20 euro.
Our new method to identify the most important health items in a smart, easy, and efficient way. To build new and better ePROMs, patients determine which health items are important to them.

In the console you can insert your health items, clustered by domains and subdomains.
Text can be edited (size, color).
Additional explanation can be added.
Based on the inserted items a graphical Diagram is automatically created.
The task for respondents is to select from the large set of items a limited number of items: the most important ones.

This is what the results looks like. Based on such a graph it becomes more easy to determine what are the most important items from the perspective of patients.

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